Sunday, October 07, 2007

Avenging Angel

I like to recommend this book which is called Avenging Angel by David Belbin,

This is a review about it:

This book is about a boy called Angelo who was riding his bike and suddenly he saw a car coming so fast towards him but he was too late, the car knocked over his bike and he fell on the road with his bike on top of him, and car drove away. It was a hit and run accident. All Angelo said before he died was the word 'blaze'.

His sister Clare cannot rest until she finds the truth who ran over him, so she tells her friend PC Neil. He finds two suspect, one of them had a colour green car that Angelo was killed with and the other had the same colour car and there was a bike shape mark on the car but when both of them was in court they both was proved innocent.

After two weeks she saw a group of young gang of Angelo's friend and one of them name was blaze, so she finally found the culprit.

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