Saturday, April 28, 2007

Recommended Reading: The Wave

I saw V for Vendetta last week. If any of you have seen it, you will know that it is a futuristic thriller set in an England which is ruled by a terrible dictatorship very similar to Germany under the Nazis in the 1930s. Personal freedom is restricted; the government controls EVERYTHING; and ANYONE who is seen to disagree is imprisoned, tortured or even killed. In that film, it takes a hero to overthrow the government and save the day!

The book I am recommending this week is a different exploration of how easily a society can slip into such a reign of terror, and how easily normal, ordinary people can be sucked into a totally terrifying way of life. But THIS story is set in a SCHOOL!

It is a book called The Wave by Morton Rhue. And it is scary stuff...

You can read the first couple of pages by looking INSIDE the book at amazon here.

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